Friday, August 7, 2009

Teacher Magazine: Making Professional Learning Teams Work

Pam sent this to the instructional coaches as well as the principals today. It simply confirms that the teachers' inquiry and desire to affect student achievement cannot be imposed upon by others such as principals and district leaders... it comes from within. The inquiry and curiousity to make a difference is within the teachers' souls, I believe. So... will the teachers I encounter this year have this desire to inquire on what they can do to make a difference in student learning and achievement? I certainly would hope so. But the big question for me is this. What will determine the student learning and achievement? What are we using to base our decisions and our modifications for learning? We must pay attention to student's attitudes about learning and their general happiness at being in school. We must use data and observation beyond the SchoolNet data to determine needs. Here's the article... Do you agree with me?
Teacher Magazine: Making Professional Learning Teams Work

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1 comment:

  1. Peer managed? Hopefully that will be the instructional coaches. I'm thinking the protocols and tools learned this week at our training on Santa Cruz model of teacher mentoring will provide the structures and protocols needed for growth by all of us... professionally and of utmost importance, the students!
