Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sleeping on the Job... I'm NOT!

Today we began the Lesson Study Facilitator's training. I'm excited to take this next step to grow in my profession. Why would I not? It allows me to learn with others and grow. And... we do it all in and effort to extend and maximize student learning! The Lesson Study Kit gives us structures, protocals, and tools for working together, expanding our thinking and examining our practice. The resources provided are like a bible for good teaching! Succinctly stated and well organized. Not sleeping on the job supports this notion of moving your practice forward.... thanks to Hollins for sharing this article with us. It wraps up the day and my thoughts so that I will sleep tonight. I am not alone in my profession.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness: 10 Tips for Getting Teachers to Integrate Technolo...

The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness: 10 Tips for Getting Teachers to Integrate Technolo...: "A year and half as a technology integration specialist does not qualify me as an expert in field of educational technology. But in this sho..."