Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Social and Emotional Benefits of Being Weirdly Creative | Edutopia

I cannot wait to share this with an art teacher and a new fourth grade teacher... both who I have thought of for two completely different reasons.  I have had goal conversations with the art teacher, that this really supports her thinking and areas she is wishing to grow.  I'm thinking of the brand new 4th grade teacher because the video is a great idea for a science unit that she is currently planning for and teaching!

The Social and Emotional Benefits of Being Weirdly Creative | Edutopia

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teach123: Shopping Tips

Teach123: Shopping Tips: 'tis the Season to go shopping.  Fa la la la la  . . . .  Yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year . . . time to shop for back to sch...