Tuesday, August 25, 2009

25 Random Things About ME

Okay... so this is personal information and this blog is about my work as an educator (except that I'm too busy to write regularly and/or reflect via fingertips) ... so why am I mixing the two? Well... I guess it is because teaching really is a lifestyle. Really. And... I am thinking very much about building relationships with teachers and first impressions right now. First impression stress can be intense! Ha! So anyway... who am I? what do people see when they first meet me? who knows! But... back to the 25 random things about me. A silly Facebook thing that was going around rampant last spring. Here's my random thoughts. Do you get insight on a person from random comments and writing? Maybe so. I remember a very wise middle school colleague wished me luck last February as I was struggling to develop my first ever resume and prepare for the killer interview. She said, "just share your 25 random things... that says it all!"

25 random things about me:

1. I understand that there are many types of deep love. Afterall I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a nature-lover and a teacher.

2. People give me energy.

3. Digging in the dirt on my knees is a form of meditation for me.

4. I love and appreciate differences in people and recognize similarities easily.

5. I enjoy peace and quiet, even though I’m loud and social.

6. I believe that dogs and children can determine character best of all.

7. I love to read, knit, cook and garden… but rarely finish any of these in a timely manner… except the meals.

8. I am very proud of my adult children.

9. I do not have the attention span for most tv shows.

10. I work really hard to be a geek, as it does not come naturally at all.

11. My glass is at least half FULL.

12. I don’t particular like exercising except for Yoga.

13. I love being a teacher and I’m so grateful that I have a job that feels as if it is my calling.

14. I am married to my complete opposite and love the fact that it makes me aware of other people’s needs and differences while it keeps me growing as a person.

15. I love laughing, and wish I had good teeth for showing off!

16. I love good beer such as the local Star Hills or NewCastle Brown Ale.

17. I am practicing to become a discriminating wine taster, and have acquired a deeper love for Cabernets.

18. I love contrasting textures… whether it is in foliage, fibers, artwork or people.

19. My top 3 luxuries in life are: prescription sunglasses, great coffee and hot showers.

20. Rosemary is one of my absolute favorite smells.

21. I sometimes enjoy a good argument.

22. I’ve eaten things as a SC country girl growing up that would shock MOST people…

23. I was embarrassed to be from the country as a kid, but appreciate who am I completely NOW. I think we call that wisdom.

24. Leaves are a spiritual symbol for me... sort of like the cross is to Christianity.

25. I portray a style that I’m unaware of… til my friends steer me towards things that are “totally me” and I find they are right! (or is that an open book???)!

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