Saturday, August 14, 2010

bad blogging... purpose?

Wow... I'm so aware of what a bad blogger I am!! That's because I really don't know who my audience really is... except ME! And I'm thinking that is best. Notice the tenses confusion that I often use in my writing??? So... what is the purpose of my blog? (I ask myself) I use this blog to record ideas and to remember things that come through my head and in front of my eyes. (I answer myself) It's sort of a backup memory... in a way. It's clearly ramblings, too. The funny thing is that I'm often too tired or too busy to hit the blog when I really need to and then when I do... I can't remember everything that was in my head...thus snippets and ramblings and pieces of what was a really deep reflection in the quiet of my car...especially on the lovely drive home from work.
Or... I find something that I want to come back to, a specific topic, so I use the blog to record a few snippets, save a link, a video, etc. until I can come back for deeper reflection. And often I never come back except to read in dismay! My mind races and I want to freeze something in a moment of time, so that's an example of a very quick post ... and my life will not slow down in front of the keyboard to get it down in coherent well-written pieces. (I'm clearly not PWhite...who writes amazing thoughts in record speed as she's fired up and thinking deeply!!) I'm an ADD google brain for sure! Pinging! and then off to cook for relaxation... or out of hunger... or walk the dog that's barking in my ear... with paw on the space bar! oops... gotta go! If you read my blogs, then all I can say is WOW. (and don't tell me, as I'll be embarrassed probably)

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