Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Parallel Lives with Google

So having used google tools for a couple of years and really not totally understanding that I had so many tool options is one thing... but then to totally "get it" and really dive groups, gmail, google sites, my very own search engine, blogger, igoogle, google calendar... I grew to love it all... only to have a parallel world come upon my work life (googleapps)... WELL... it's nuts! It can be confusing to say the least! And then... try explaining it to someone who only thinks google is just a search engine and has no concept of what one login with Google can really get you, have total confusion and you sound crazy even explaining it. So... Google Apps vs. (regular) Google...hmmm??? Partial rollout of GoogleApps adds in the school district even adds to the confusion. In ACPS, some schools have GoogleApps, others are unaware. Some teachers have accounts and are not aware of the tools they have at their fingertips, while others have the desire to try something, but confused as to what and with whom. Other folks, including ME, can not clearly grasp which side to use for sites, blogs, and other tools, especially when your personal and professional life often overlaps. Seperate web browsers has been one of my strategies, that's for sure! I'm hoping this link will provide some clarity.

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