The ramblings of an elementary educator who is starting my fourth year on what continues to be an always evolving journey as an instructional coach. Always learning and needing to reflect and document a few things along the way. I follow the simple philosophy that...If I participate, I benefit.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Teaching our Children
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
webmail portal
This is the portal or login page for our county web mail. I am trying to understand how the new Google sidewiki works. So this is just a test. And yes...!!! I use my blog to ramble, test, document, etc.
in reference to: Microsoft Outlook Web Access - Logon (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, September 27, 2009
Learning in Hand... the ipod touch
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I have notes here, I have notes there... I have saved emails, post-it notes in my pocketbook. I have my moleskin journal, I have my planner book with notepages in the back. I have my Entourage lists, and tasks and calendars. I have my google docs...
Information flies from my mouth, sometimes too fast and messages full of typos, acronyms and abreviations leak out from my hands . Much information passes through my brain. I absorb information with all of my senses, to include the intuition sense! Some info stays, some connects to other notes... some simply never even connects to my life. information makes me laugh and cry. Information makes me smart. I crave to retain most information. That's why I keep Notes.
Thank you, Ryan. Your photograph inspired me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Google's Sidewiki...whoa baby!
This will be a helpful tool for sharing with teachers and students. I'm just exploring how this might work. I could write a note...and then I need to go add a comment bubble, and see how the highlighting works. Very cool.
in reference to: Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)Thursday, September 24, 2009
I want to learn more...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Week of 9/15 Roundup #2
Monday, September 14, 2009
Yammer Conversations!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Looking Backward so I Can Move Forward
- 3rd grade math meeting was focused on math. We talked about maps, potential classroom changes coming due to enrollment, talked curriculum, pacing, and differentiation. Talked about current grouping plan. The teachers are interested in different ideas and looking to address varied needs within the classroom. A concern is basic fact recall and numeracy concept.
- Art: observed and participated in a contour line lesson. What FUN! I was pleased with my work and hopefully can re-join a group and finish the painting of it this coming week. I shared an Andy Warhol idea using Photobooth with art teacher and using a student example. She was very excited at the possibilities this will offer. Need to followup.
- observed and videotaped a great cooperative PE lesson that I need to share the video back with them. Loved the hula-hoop circle and the wrap up of the lessson teaching social skills
- Sat in 5th grade class for President Obama's speech. (need to follow-up on VA Regions Wiki work with this class)
- 2nd grade team interested in a Communities lesson using Activboard.
- invited by fifth grade team to attend 2 PLC meetings for Podcast project support and a general PLC meeting for clarifications of our roles??
- Planning a sequence of lessons for numeracy with Team, Too. And... we will establish model lessons for addition and subtraction fact fluency (S) and I will work with (C) on Chip trading lesson. We also are rounding up reference books, (Richardson, Burns, Van DeWalle) I have picked up my chiptrading supplies from Huddletrailer and I've also sent an email inviting the 3rd grade team to subscribe to AIMS Newsletter. Should be ready to roll with lessons in a week or so...
- other followups include... wiki work with 5th grade, followup on ART teacher after sharing Photobooth idea with her; practice with (C) on Activboard so that we can share Communites lesson with 2nd grade team this Wed.
- supported color printing of student photos for longterm sub in Warren's room
- followed up on QRI scoring in a K room
- addressed via email a request for Custom-Typing support in 3rd grade (waiting on tech input of names and passwords)
- Spent time in K classroom assisting with paper mache Statue of Liberty project, flag painting and building model of Washington Monument... (took photos, helped... and rounded up some books from library to support content.) Read one book to the students as projects were winding down. Spent lunch with the student teacher and a few others on my portaportal and showing Ben's Guide to Government that supports curriculum
- observed LMS with kindergarteners based on her request. Had a chat with my teammate and her on transition ideas... offered to help set computers to shut off automatically in afternoon and turn on in morning... will followup to see how this is working and teach her how to do the others.
- worked on Activboard by calibrating ,etc after school...
- delivered pictures to art teacher
- taught basic podcasting to teacher and afterschool students ; Followup will be MORE of this.
- shared how to download photos to iPhoto and then make slideshow... to a teacher
- spent some solid time with a teacher leader showing Google docs with special focus on forms so she may use for PD survey ; followup happened via email to BF for adding staff names to k12 domain. DONE...
- observed a 4th grade math lesson for a solid hour or longer. Great investigations lesson using arrays for factoring... watched kids sort facts they know automatically and ones to work on. Worked with a young man (T) who seemed overwhelmed with what he didn't know. I really enjoyed this lesson and felt like the teacher was comfortable with me in there! Followup: want to share factor house
- Delivered seeds to first grade for sorting/using. Forgot to give (S) the prompt cards I brought on my computer from Boardmaker... DO THIS!
- Spent time with SPED teacher working on Promethean Planet and using Activboard... turning on, calibrating, etc. (just basics...) I learned later in week, that you must hold pen a few seconds in front of button for calibration to start; Also shared my parking lot folder game with this teacher who was excited to learn this strategy. Followup: Check in with her and see how I can support her work with students, Activboard lessons, etc.
- spent time after school with a first grade teacher messing around with activboard. ... wasn't completely successful with lesson downloaded... but gave some ideas for writing activity for next day
- rounded up a remote for same SPED teacher and chatted up with (A) the Technical Support Specialist on workings of classrooms, etc.
- Completed the final order for K teacher's book order...
- Helped a K teacher connect and save documents to server and add shortcut of her teacher folder on dock
- chatted about VA Wiki to numerous teachers: Followup was that I sent the link for them to peruse over weekend and need to check back face to face on interest
On Hawks, Lift and Values - Viewpoint Post
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Organization on a Personal Level First!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
email said.. You're amazing and I said, NOT so...
The job is the hardest thing I've done in a long time. I'm use to being an independent agent, and not second guessing everything that I do or don't do. I'm use to representing just myself... But now I represent much more than just me. I am part of a new structure that should bring systemic change. I need to remember how I felt as one of the first CTIPS and how I felt stressed at that initiative... Maybe it's really the same, but I'm not sure. There are similarities. I see things that amaze me and then I see things that sadden me... And I don't always know how to be a positive influence. Because I've been out of the classroom for a while, I have insecurities that I didn't have back in the early CTIP days. In addition... because I've been doing so many jobs and have combination years of experience, I know people and have insights into systemic issues and understand behind the scenes stuff almost too well... Which also stresses me because I’m not necessarily in a place that I can be effective in the way I’d like to be. I want to just fix things and I can’t!! When I take care of things that I do know how to do or address issues... I am sometimes stepping on other folks' jobs or roles or I'm afraid I am. Many messy roles and situations in schools right now and it's hard to know what to do at times in this role as a coach. AND the worst of all...I'm use to people knowing me and feeling comfortable with me... And welcoming me into their meetings, not closing doors, for fear I will come in... I have to worry about perceptions and first impressions, and what I say, do, don't say, don't do... Etc. etc.
But, the absolute best thing is that I get to see AMAZING things happening in classrooms and LEARN LEARN LEARN.
So..The job is definitely becoming better, but I'm still stressing over parts of it as you can tell.. I guess if I was just out of the classroom like Matt, I would really enjoy the flexibility and the freedom. But I've had that part within one building and so the driving and rushing from one meeting to another actually makes me crave the stability of a classroom and students of my own. :) Please appreciate the autonomy that you have in your room and feel blessed to have a compatible team.
I'm sure all of my stress is just real growing pains. I'm getting to know completely different schools than WES, and I'm also working closely with an amazing team of coaches, but we are completely different people as well... So we are learning how to collaborate, differ, complement, and compromise.
Wow... Aren't you sorry you asked?!! Thanks for reading.
Thinking about Projects
- Va Regions Wiki Project in 2 schools with upper elementary kids
- classroom wiki in 3rd grade at 1 school
- comiclife possibilities in first grade
- Garageband ideas in 3rd grade at one school
- use of Google forms as a PD resource for teacher leader
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What a Week, What's Your Interest? Roundup #1
- get seeds and share (2 schools)
- find picture Cue cards (B)
- comic life examples for cycles (B)
- help unpack a transferred teacher (B)
- work on garageband lesson (M)
- explore Promethean Planet
- followup on VAwiki (H)
- followup on twitter talk (B)
- followup on googledocs talk (B)
- math meeting (H)
- followup on transition observation (M)
- wait and see if anyone bites on math parking lot lesson (B)
- PALS login coming???
- Camp Albemarle date question
- followup with teacher on IWB math playing afterschool