I wonder Why don't we model curiousity more?
I believe it is important to demonstrate and model how to observe, ask questions, create hypotheses, and test those hypotheses. I also like to use "think alouds" in the classroom... well actually anywhere! In fact, I process out loud and so think alouds are a natural way for me to learn... so imagine if I was a student in a classroom that requires silence and no collaboration!!! Inquiry is the basis of science, math, and technological activity, not to mention historical analysis and powerful writing. And... what about the kid that is a poor reader but all of a sudden can read really hard material because of high interest? When one is interested in how something works or why something is the way it is or simply curious... and acts upon these inquires and makes discoveries, then the desire to learn more ignites! Curiosity leading to inquiry provides the best foundation for perpetual self-improvement through study and experimentation.